Sacred Alignment FAQ’s


  1. What is Kambo?

Kambo is the secretion of the Giant green monkey tree frog. Known in Portuguese as the “vaccine of the forest,” it has also gained renown outside of the Amazon as a powerful treatment for chronic pain and drug dependence.

It is collected and used by many native tribes across the Amazon. The frog itself is never harmed as they are considered teachers and carriers of sacred medicine.

Traditionally Kambo is used:​

-To prepare warriors for hunting & to increase speed, focus and strength

-As a medicine for malaria, fever, infections and snake bites.

-To clear dark or negative energy, known as 'panema', allowing the recipient to overcome obstacles/challenges and life to flow more easily.


 Who Can Benefit?

As well as releasing emotional blockages and clearing energetic fields, many researchers believe that Kambo will open up a new world of treatments for:

- Chronic Pain

- Chronic Fatigue

- Fertility issues

- Lyme disease and other autoimmune disorders

- Addiction

- Depression and Anxiety


- Cancer

- Diabetes

- Arthritis 


- Parkinson's

- Alzheimer's 

- Vascular issues

 And much more


How Does it work?

Kambo contains nine bioactive peptides that are known to have a positive effect on the human body.

 A natural substance that the body recognizes, Kambo operates on a cellular level to unlock cells and clean out deposits left by foreign substances that the cell was unable to process alone. 

​Several years of ongoing research by the University of Paris have shown Kambo to be effective at killing cancer cells. Kambo is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anesthetic substances found in the world. -And one of the strongest, natural ways to strengthen the immune system.

Is it safe for me?

Kambo is very safe when given by a properly trained practitioner. However there are some conditions for which Kambo is contraindicated. This is not an exhaustive list so it’s important to consult a properly trained and skilled practitioner if you have any concerns. Suitability for Kambo may occasionally depend on the constitution of the person receiving Kambo.

If you have any of the following Kambo is not suitable for you: 

·       Serious heart problems or who have had heart surgery. This includes a Pacemaker but excludes Stents

·       Have had a stroke or a brain hemorrhage

·       Have an aneurism or blood clot

·       Are recovering from a major surgical procedure with internal stitches

·       Are on medication for low blood pressure (High Blood Pressure is usually fine)

·       Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo

·       Have serious mental health problems, excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety

·       Are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or have done so within the last 4 weeks

·       Take immune-suppressants after organ transplant

·       Have Addison’s Disease

·       Have current and severe epilepsy

·       Are under 18 years old

·       Have certain types of EDS

·       Are pregnant or maybe pregnant

·       Are breast-feeding a baby under 6 months old.


2. What is Cacao?

Cacao is a Heart Medicine in every sense of the word. Physically speaking it is beneficial for Cardio Vascular health, promoting blood flow and helping to prevent heart disease. Energetically and Emotionally, Cacao opens the pathways of communication to your heart. This opening of the emotional channels allows us to see, feel and resolve and dissolve any stagnant emotions and energy that may be blocking our creativity or hindering us from experiencing the ease and bliss that is available to us in every day life.

For thousands of years the Indigenous cultures of Central America have used Cacao in Ceremony, calling it the ‘Food of the Gods’. –Which gave rise to the Cocoa Tree’s scientific name Theobroma Cacao, from the Greek words Theo (God) and Broma (drink).

 Is it a Psychedelic?

No, Cacao is not Psychedelic or Psychoactive. It is absolutely safe for daily consumption. However when paired with Breath work, it offers the individual the chance to have a healing transcendent experience, in which they are able to experience the many facets of their humanity, in a way that does not elicit the feelings of a “loss of control”.

 Who Can Benefit?

Anyone suffering with:

-   Depression

-  Anxiety

- Creative Blocks

-   Low Energy

-   Caffeine Sensitivity

-   Mental/Emotional Imbalance

-   Poor Circulation

-   Low Iron, Calcium or Magnesium

How is Ceremonial Cacao different from typical store-bought Chocolate or Cacao Powder?

Ceremonial Cacao is the most unadulterated, bioavailable version of the plant. Most store brands do not include the Cacao butter, which is so crucial in the absorption process of your body being able to utilize the full benefits of this plant.

 Is it safe for me?

Cacao is safe for anyone without the following conditions/medications:

*Cacao may still be consumed for most of these cases, however with more mindfulness and at much lower doses

- MAOI based anti-depressants are contraindicated with the tyramine in Cacao, so a larger dose of cacao is not recommended. MAOI based anti-depressants are first generation anti-depressants and are less common these days. People taking them are on a restricted diet that includes limiting or avoiding chocolate, so they should know if they can consume or not.

- Those on SSRI's, we suggest consulting with your doctor and/or pharmacist regarding higher doses of cacao

- Serious heart conditions. The Theobromine in Cacao increases heart rate significantly and is a vasodilator, lowering blood pressure. If you have such a condition, consider consulting a physician and certainly go lighter on amounts.

- Pregnancy & breastfeeding. Like coffee or tea, it is important to reduce the intake of stimulating foods. 

- Pure Cacao can be fatal to dogs (and possibly horses and parrots) so be sure to keep it away from pets.